What’s in a Bag – Best Bags for a New School Year

What’s in a Bag – Best Bags for a New School Year


When choosing the best school bags for kids, you want to appeal to your child’s style and preferences, but also find something sensible. As the bag will be one of the hardest working items on the item list for the school year, it needs to be supportive, comfortable, suitable and the best quality school bag.

Picking an age-appropriate bag that will accommodate each day’s load, with suitable straps and an acceptable design is key. Younger children are less likely to need a large bag but as the school journey continues, items accumulate.

By the time your little learner reaches high school their daily requirement could be books, sportswear, trainers, folders, stationary or any other combination of tools for school. The recommended maximum weight for a fully packed bag is around 10% of the weight of the person carrying it.


2-Straps for Safety – Why do School  Bags Have Wide Straps?

The most commonly used school bags tend to be backpacks. With a broad strap for each shoulder, they offer an easy solution to carrying heavy loads and are expert school bags. Bags with two straps are much better for your neck and back as they generally keep an even balance in line with your body. The broad straps help to spread the weight across your shoulders.

You should adjust the straps of the bag so that it sits comfortably without restricting movement of the arms. Loose bags can affect the balance of a child. Signs that a bag is not being worn or packed properly are a change in posture, difficult getting the bag on and off or complaints of a sore back or neck.


How to Organise Your School Bag

You should always pack your bag with the heaviest items at the back and bottom. Keeping the bulk of the weight closer to your back means less strain on your back. Excessive strain on the spine can cause long-term issues, so reducing even the slightest weight by properly packing the bag is important.


Dos and Don’ts

Avoid swinging your bag around. You could hit someone else, or damage your own shoulders, back or neck.

Always carry your bag properly. If you have two straps, use them both. Just one will cause an uneven balance of weight on your back and can lead to posture issues.

If you have a waist strap, use it. Waist straps help stop bags swinging around. These are of particular importance if your child rides a bike to school. If you intend on letting your child cycle to school with a bag on their back, you should buy a bag with a waist strap as well.

Be sure to stand up straight when wearing a bag. Slouching and sitting whilst wearing a bag can also lead to issue with your back.

Use a locker if you can. If you do not need to have the bag on your back, you should avoid doing so. If you can place the bag on the ground or a bench, you should do so.

Keep fit. Keeping active, healthy and fit means your body is better prepared for physical exertion. Carrying a bag all day, especially in the later years of school can take its toll on the body. The better prepared you are, the easier that task will be.

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